Key Stage 3 1 hour per week
Key Stage 4 BTEC Level 2 Tech Award Music Practice (Pearson) 5 hour per fortnight
Key Stage 5
BTEC Level 3 Music Performance (Pearson)
BTEC Level 3 Digital Music Performance (Pearson)
9 hours per fortnight in Y13 and 8 hours per fortnight in Y12
Subject Information:
We aim to create the very best musicians. As a department we firmly believe that Music is a
potential in every individual that, like all potential, should be developed to its fullest. Music
provides an outlet for creativity, self-expression, and individual uniqueness. It enables us to
express our thoughts and feelings and teaches students about unique aspects of their
relationships with other human beings and with the world around them, in their own and
other cultures.
We do this through quality first teaching which challenges our students throughout all Key
Stages to not only understand different styles and genres of music but requires them to
explore, discuss and demonstrate this understanding in creative ways. They are challenged
in all lessons to be able to demonstrate understanding and creativity through performance,
composition, through collaboration with their peers, and through evaluation of their own
work. Developing the confidence of our students is another vital part of our curriculum and
students are frequently challenged to perform their ideas to each other whilst being
encouraged to evaluate the success of these performances.
Mr P Povey (PP) Curriculum Area Leader for Music
Mrs V Davies (VJD) Teacher of Music
Additional Information:
We offer an extensive extra-curricular programme both at lunch time and after school giving
pupils the opportunity to take part in a range of different activities and ensembles. These
include Choirs, Orchestra, Ukulele Club, and Music Tech Club.
We also offer the opportunity to take part in Instrumental lessons, which are run by visiting
tutors from Sefton Music Hub (Sky Hub).
Range High School is a school where children flourish. We challenge all pupils...
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