
For further information on Curriculum please contact:

Mr Tees on 01704 879315

Curriculum Overview

The curriculum is based upon providing our pupils with a broad and balanced offer that will engage, excite and challenge in all that they do.

The curriculum is structured to ensure the subject knowledge is selected, paced and sequenced to match the ability and development of our pupils and that there is progression from Key Stage 3 through to Key Stage 4/5.

Our pupils receive the support they need to achieve their full potential, in turn allowing them to develop and flourish into young people who can make a positive and significant contribution to society.

The curriculum is built with your child at the centre and we focus on achieving a personalised curriculum, especially at key stage 4 and 5 where pupils will have the opportunity to make choices about some of the subjects they study.  These choices allow your child to develop as an individual and achieve academic success.

The curriculum together with our extensive extra-curricular offer will ensure that all pupils will have the opportunity to develop their skills and interests in a range of different areas.

The curriculum will ensure that they are prepared for life after Range High School, having a range of skills and knowledge that they can take forward into their adult life and successfully apply in an ever changing world.

Three additional documents are also available below to further outline our curriculum offer

  1. Curriculum Intent Statement. This document outlines the main principles of our curriculum in terms of key features and how our curriculum is delivered.
  2. Curriculum Policy. This document outlines our curriculum offer in more detail and breaks the information down into key stages and key principles such as inclusion.
  3. Curriculum Model. This document outlines how our curriculum is organised over a two week period.

In Years 7-13 our pupils follow a two week timetable comprising of 49 lessons.

Key Stage 3

Our Key stage 3 curriculum is taught from year 7 to year 9.  This ensures that our pupils maintain a broad and balanced curriculum for as long as possible and develop the knowledge and skills that will prepare them to start GCSE courses in year 10.  In year 7 our pupils are taught in mixed ability teaching sets for the majority of their lessons, including English.  There is a nurture group in relation to English to support those pupils who need additional help in terms of English and Literacy skills. Pupils are taught in ability groups for maths.  In year 8 our pupils move to ability groups for MFL and in year 9 setting is introduced for Science.

In Year 9 all pupils start their GCSE in Citizenship.

The full list of subjects that pupils study at Key Stage 3 is set out below:

English Geography MFL (French or Spanish) Art Design Technology
Mathematics History PSHE Drama Computing
Science RE PE Music GCSE Citizenship (Y9)

In year 9, in addition to the core curriculum GCSE Citizenship is introduced with the aim of enabling our pupils to become thoughtful, active citizens.

Key Stage 4

Core Subjects Optional Subjects (GCSE, BTEC, CAMBRIDGE NATIONAL)
English Art Geography
Mathematics Business Studies History
Science Child Development (CN) Media Studies
PSHE and Citizenship Computer Science MFL studied in Y9
Spanish or French Creative Imedia (CN) Music (BTEC)
Physical Education NON GCSE Dance Photography
Religion, Ethics & Philosophy REAP NON GCSE Design Technology Physical Education
Geography / History Engineering
Drama Religious Studies
Food Preparation and Nutrition Sports Science (CN)

Through our Key Stage 4 curriculum we continue to provide a broad and balanced curriculum by running an open option system.  All pupils have equal access to the curriculum and we feel this ensures that every pupil can achieve their potential by developing their individual interests and talents.  The majority of our pupils study our core curriculum and an additional 3 subjects from those on offer.  The structure of our Key Stage 4 options provides all pupils, if appropriate, to achieve the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc): a GCSE in English, Mathematics, two Sciences, one humanities (Geography or History) and a modern foreign language.  Pupils are supported to make the best choices by their subject teachers, form teachers, the careers advisor and a range of activities that are provided to support pupils with the decision making process.

At Key Stage 4 a small number of pupils follow a flexible learning pathway.  They will take a reduced number of GCSEs and follow a personalised programme that could include additional maths and English support or even a college course if appropriate.  This pathway is arranged on an individual basis in consultation with the Head of Year, The SEND department, pupils and parents/carers.

For further information, relating to the subjects pupils can study at KS4 please see the Options Booklet 2023

Key Stage 5

Pathway 1 Pathway 2
Art 2 ‘A’ level equivalent
Biology BTEC Business Studies National Diploma
Business Studies History BTEC Health and Social Care National Diploma
Chemistry Mathematics
Computer Science Media Studies 1 ‘A’ level equivalent
Economics Photography BTEC Digital Content Production Extended Certificate
English Literature Physical Education BTEC Health and Social Care Extended Certificate
French / Spanish Physics BTEC Music Performance Extended Certificate
Further Mathematics Politics Criminology
Geography Product Design
Theatre Studies Psychology

At Key Stage 5 we continue to offer a wide range of subjects that includes not only traditional ‘A’ Level qualifications but also an increasing variety of vocational qualifications.  Students typically study 3 courses with a small number of students studying an additional A Level.  In addition, a significant number of our students also take on the Extended Project qualification.  Throughout the two years’ students are supported to excel through our educational programme, pastoral support and enrichment opportunities.  Our students progress to a range of different universities, including Russell group universities, as well as directly onto apprenticeships or employment.

For further information, relating to the subjects pupils can study at KS5 please see 6th Form Prospectus